Resource 2015

I spent a fascinating few days at Resource 2015 down in that London, at what has to be the leading event for everyone into the Circular Economy. 2015-03-06 11.35.05 The Great Recovery outdid themselves with the biggest Brio set I’ve ever seen or tried to explain the Circular Economy with. It was great to see how many people got totally into this game which let you influence a product’s journey. 2015-03-10 21.19.00 Each carriage was a product; jeans, mobile phone, washing machine or sofa and the design decisions you made changed how it lived. Each journey was different and often ended in landfill – the tracks that suddenly end on the right. If you played it well you went to circularity heaven. Learn more here: #CETrain Hello again if I met you there and hopefully I’ll meet you there next year. If I didn’t meet you hopefully I’ll meet you there next year too.